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Essential Tips For Improving Indoor Air Quality In a Workplace

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Over time, debris, smoke, dust and microbes can accumulate in the air, especially in an indoor environment such as a workplace. Long-term exposure to such contaminants can cause a host of health problems such as eye irritation, headaches and sinus inflammation while exacerbating existing respiratory conditions. Therefore, a workplace should strive to improve its indoor air quality through various measures, more so through professional indoor air consulting. Resolving indoor air quality issues ensures that an organisation meets its human health and environmental obligations. This article highlights essential tips for improving indoor air quality in the workplace.  

Minimise Use of Volatile Organic Compounds 

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a workplace has been known to cause indoor air pollution. VOCs are found in fragrances, carpets, building materials, office products and furniture, among others. Although it is impossible to eliminate products containing VOCs in a workplace, an indoor air quality consulting service would probably advise you to minimise the presence of such chemicals. One way of countering this problem is to buy products that do not contain harmful chemicals. Also, ensure the provision of adequate ventilation in a building to prevent the build-up of volatile organic compounds. Moreover, if you must, store chemicals such as paints, solvents and cleaning agents in a separate building away from people.

Mould and Mildew

Mould and mildew are caused by the presence of excessive moisture in an indoor environment. When outside temperatures drop while the indoor air remains warm, you will experience condensation that leads to moisture accumulation inside a building. Excessive moisture is the reason why mould and mildew thrive in the workplace. Another reason for the growth of mould and mildew is damage to a plumbing system, which leads to leaks. Therefore, proper installation and maintenance of a workplace's air conditioning system and fixing of office plumbing can prevent the growth and spread of mould and mildew. Mould and mildew can release tiny spores that are responsible for allergies and other health issues.

Detecting and Monitoring Indoor Air Quality

You should not wait until workers start exhibiting health issues to know that your workplace's indoor air is polluted. The best way to detect air pollution is to collect and test the air for pollutants regularly, such as toxic gases, asbestos, mould, carbon monoxide and smoke. In this regard, the use of air testing kits is key to collecting samples for laboratory analysis. Installation of smoke detectors also plays a crucial role in detecting smoke levels in an indoor environment. Most importantly, constant monitoring of indoor air can prevent air pollution while keeping workers healthy and happy.
